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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Carpet Stain Removers

(I was asked about carpet spot removers and have not had a chance to try these... please let me know how they work if you try them... Thanks!)

    Note: Test for color-fastness on an inconspicuous area before use, and remember-this is a process, make sure to always blot up as much excess liquid before treating, and be patient. No shortcuts!
    Pet Stain Removal
    First  Cleaner Option:
    Vinegar-Baking Soda Spray
    It doesn’t get much easier than this spray. Most of the time, this is the one I choose to use. It’s simple, inexpensive, and works a treat on blood and urine stains in particular. White vinegar is a miraculous substance that will get rid of even the old accident stains that might have been missed if a dog did a “ninja-pee” behind the bookshelves or something. Baking soda is nature’s odor remover, and teamed up with vinegar, does a great job at getting rid of odors!
    You will need…
    -2 cups white distilled vinegar
    -2 cups of lukewarm water
    -4 generous tablespoons of baking soda
    -Spray bottle (optional)

    1st Option
    Thoroughly blot up as much of whatever it is you’re cleaning up. I can’t emphasize the importance of this step enough. Fold up a rag over it, place a heavy book on it, and stand on the book to make sure you really get it all out (sounds extreme, but it does a good job!) Mix 2 cups of white distilled vinegar with 2 cups of lukewarm water in a large bowl. Add in 4 heaping tablespoons of baking soda, adding it in smaller amounts if it threatens to fizz over (and it really does fizz!) Pour into a spray bottle and thoroughly spray the area. Let sit for 5 minutes, then gently rub and blot up with a soft cloth. You can also simply pour some straight from the bowl over the stain if you don’t have a spray bottle.
    2nd Application Option
    *To clarify these numbers do not refer to “number 1” or “number 2”-they both work for either!
    As with the first step, blot or clean up as much as possible. Mix 2 cups of lukewarm water with 2 cups of white distilled vinegar. Instead of adding the baking soda to the liquid, sprinkle it dry liberally over the area where the accident occurred. Let it break down and deodorize for about 5 minutes, then vacuum. Apply the water/vinegar solution as in the first set of directions.
    3rd Application Option
    Mix up your water and vinegar solution. After blotting up any excess fluid, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the soiled area. Pour the water and vinegar solution directly onto the baking soda to create a mini cleaning volcano that will actively eat away at the stain. Blot and rub gently dry with a soft cloth after letting it sit for 5 minutes.
    2nd Cleaner Option 
    Hydrogen-peroxide/baking soda mixture
    Hydrogen peroxide is another great substance when it comes to breaking down the “crystals” of urine and pulling out stains. Combine it with naturally deodorizing baking soda, and you have another great solution for cleaning up stains.
    (This option concerns me as I thought peroxide would remove color as well... Be sure to test before using!!!)

    You will need…
    -Paper towels or rags
    -A cup or so of baking soda
    -1/2 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide
    -1 teaspoon eco-friendly dish liquid
    -A bowl

    Cover the stain with paper towels or rags and walk lightly over or place something heavy on top to soak up any excess liquid. Sprinkle a generous handful of baking soda over the stain when no more liquid can be pulled up, and mix together ½ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of dish liquid. Slowly pour the solution over the stain and baking soda. Gently scrub the mixture into the carpet fibers with a scrub-brush or cloth, and then let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Vacuum the area thoroughly. For tough stains, repeat the above steps.

    General Stain Cleaning
         Perfect DIY Carpet Cleaning Method + Recipe

    Ah those wonderful carpet stains. Whether you have pets, kids or just know some really messy people, if you have carpet then at some point you are going to have carpet stains. There is a great homemade recipe for getting organic stains out of your carpet. Note that organic stains are those made by food, dirt and the like. This is really not a good choice for ink or dye stains because it contains vinegar which could potentially make the stains worse.
    For the carpet cleaner you will need:
    • 1 part vinegar
    • 2 parts water
    That’s all there is to it. Just mix the water and vinegar together in a spray bottle. Spray it over the stain and cover it with a damp rag. Put your iron on the steam setting and iron the rag for about 30 seconds or so, depending on how bad it is. You may have to repeat if the stain is really dark but this will work wonderfully to remove common foods and dirt from your carpet and the vinegar is a good odor eliminator as well so it works really well on pet stains.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I regularly use a vinegar and baking soda mixture for spot cleaning my carpets. Great for when the kids spill a drink or the dog walks in with muddy paws. I also use a local carpet cleaning company to clean all of my carpets once a year. They look like new once they have been cleaned. Worth every penny.

    Bennie Dixon @ Safeclean Wandsworth
