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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Stack O' Jacks Pumpkin Planter

This project looks easy enough...
All you need is a large pot, about 5 of the pumpkin buckets and a piece of rebar about as tall as you want your planter stack to go... I would say about 7-8' long.
You will also need a drill and a bit about the size as the rebar, approx. 1/2".
Stick your rebar into the previously filled pot as the base/weight to hold your stack.
Drill through each pumpkin, near the bottom and near the top causing each to sit at an angle, alternating each so they appear to be falling.
Place each pumpkin bucket on the rebar as you go to get the look you want, until you reach the top.
Add your dirt and plants to each pumpkin and voila'!!!

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