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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Aches and Pains

Homemade Pain Cream
 This cream can be used topically on many pains.

You Will Need:

Pan or double burner
Measuring equipment


1.5 oz beeswax
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup oil of choice ( olive oil, grape-seed oil, ect)

Essential Oils (You can use your own combination):



Add your beeswax, coconut oil, and your oil of choice to your pan. Turn it on medium to low heat and let it all melt down slowly.

Remove from heat and begin allowing your mixture to cool. Depending on the consistency you want you can add 1/4 cup of water* to get a more lotion type texture or leave as is for it to be a thicker cream. If you add water make sure to stir well.

After the mixture has cooled some add your essential oils. It is normal for it to still be in a liquid state. Then transfer it to your storage container of choice with a secure lid and allow it thicken. Then it is ready for use!

If the texture is thicker than you like make sure you try it before changing anything. Often as soon as it hits your skin it melts and blends in. However, if you would like it to have a softer look you can whip it with a whisk or mixer.

Can Be Used For:
Sore muscles
Joint Pain
Pulled muscles

 Do you have a homemade pain cream? What do you use it for?

*Note, if you add water the shelf life will be less.


 Painless Sleep Tea -

Combining chamomile, peppermint teas and rosemary(herb) and lavender (dried or fresh flowers) if available, and make a tea,  to help with pain, muscle spasms, relaxation, is anti-inflammatory (fibro symptoms). Drink at bedtime to relieve pain and get sleep.

Sweeten with honey.

**in a tea ball combine teas(use amount for one cup tea, half of each flavor) and herbs (pinch or 2 of each rubbed or crumbled between fingers) and steep...

*No tea ball? - open teabags for each type tea and add pinch or 2 of herbs(rub or crumble between fingers) to each one, then fold over and staple closed again…steep with both bags in one cup of water to desired strength… can reuse for a second cup.

This really works... I have used it with very good results!!

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